Saturday, September 10, 2011


Tomorrow is the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. I have been listening to the stories of those touched most directly by the lives lost that day, those who are losing everything in the fires consuming Texas, and those affected by flooding along the upper east coast and it made me wonder "what would I change if I were to have my own unthinkable moment?" But not only that, but how should I live knowing that moment could strike at any time.

My top 3 things to change would be the following: 1) Spend as much time with my children making memories; 2) Quit making excuses and putting off my life in the here and now; 3) Downsize the amount of meaningless stuff in my possession as much as possible.

How would you live life differently tomorrow? What is it you consider valuable that you would hold onto? And what would you let go?