Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This time of year like many is my favorite time of year filled with wonder and playfulness! Things the rest of the year seem to lack. Do me a favor this Christmas as you gather with friends and family let go of the negative and focus on the blessings that each person offers to you. Don't worry if they can do a single thing for you, but consider what you can do to make them smile or laugh, or how to offer hope. Encourage their dreams and enjoy their presence. Reminisce on what you have meant to each other and demonstrate your love in active ways, not just in gift giving but by seeing them as they are in the moment. And then continue this into the new year!

To all my blessings out there... Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Since Last We Met...

It has been a month since I last posted and it has been a fight to get back to you. As each new thing gets marked off my to do list, I have this sense of "This is really happening!"  I am just in awe of the transformation to the point I've been in a paralytic state when it comes to getting in my studio.  Perhaps it's because all my excuses are gone.  I finally have a space where I can work without having to pack up and put away everything just to function as a family.  That my collection of art supplies that has been building up over the years now has a home and that I can now organize and work to complete my overwhelming list of UFOs. 

Whatever it may have been, I am to the point where the real fight begins and the dream becomes my reality. What I discover beyond my looking glass is what this blog is all about! I hope you will join me.