Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Exposure n.: a prominent, often overextended position or commitment that is considered precarious and risky.

Like any journey to realize one's dreams, there comes a moment when you have to step out of the comfort zone and take that next step. This weekend presented such a moment.

At last year's Texas Art Education Assoc.'s conference, they had presented each of the members a sketchbook. The challenge... work in it and bring it back to share with others at this year's meeting. I committed myself to doing something that would be worthy of laying it out before a jury of my peers, but when the day came to hand it over I almost backed down. It's been my pattern for a long time, I will confess. I stood there debating with myself on how risky this was. But with a few reservations from my gremlin (aka that little voice in your head that says you can't do certain things), I handed it over to the lady behind the booth.

I'm glad I did. Out of hundreds of members, I was one of the 30 or so brave souls who did. It was by no means in the same realm as many of the more experienced artist/educators (according to my gremlin), but it was mine and it was out there for all to see. I even saw a couple of people photographing a page or two.

One step after another: I am attaching a select few of those pages with this post. Most of which were my solutions to a few sketchbook suggestions for middle school students and some of my own creations. Hope you enjoy.

If I can take that next step, so can you... what is that next step for you to move toward your dreams?