Wednesday, October 19, 2011


HOPE - The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best!

It's seems to be the word of the day... it's popped up in several places this morning and keeps jumping out at me. I had a student who seemed to have given up on life and in my feeble attempt to encourage her to reach for her dreams. She struck back with "It's not easy!" I don't remember what I said after that but her response sits in my mind. All I can think is "No, it's not. You have to fight for it."

More recently, I had a chance to work with a great bunch of middle school kids in an art room. They would say about their artwork, "I  don't like it, Miss!" My response to them was, "You're the artist and the only one who can change it. I can't do it for you." And a light would come on in their eyes.

In creating artwork, I have come to realize that mistakes don't exist. What we call mistakes should be referred to as unforeseen opportunities. They offer us a choice on how to proceed. Like in art, these opportunities add depth to the person we are becoming... so it is in this that I would like to offer my readers a little bit of hope...

Dreams are not easy, but they are worth fighting for. Show up and seize your opportunities, foreseen or not.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.